Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests
thanks for your response. I was able to create a file and save it as .xml and it did work
Once I ran the test using the xml file, it did run but the TestNG reports was not created and the test-output was not created. is it because of this or am I missing anything? please reply
thanks in advance
On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 6:13 PM, softwaretestingforum [via Manual and Automated Testing] <[hidden email]> wrote:
you don't need any plugin, create text file and save it as .xml
I too have this problem..Earlier I was seeing the XML option in the wizard list, but now I don't. So, I ended up at this thread and tried creating a file and naming it as testng.xml. But, this doesn't show up under Suite when I try to set the run configurations while executing from the xml file as demonstrated in the tutorial video. How can I resolve this?
Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests
You may try: Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Search for "Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP -> Install and restart Eclipse. This could work as you need a WTP Plugin..
I am unable to see XML in Eclipse (File>New>Other>Select a wizard).I have downloaded Rinzo xml editor but still am unable to see XML.I have been searching for solution for a while but all to no avail.This is a real blocker for me,I really need to know how to run Webdriver test with testNG xml.