Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests

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Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests


I have installed the Rinzo Editor and oXygen XML editor but no luck in either cases!!!
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Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests

what happens when you open XML file in eclipse?
~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests

I want to create a xml file for parallel execution. I am not able to create the same because the xml is not found in the wizard.

please help

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 12:51 AM, softwaretestingforum [via Manual and Automated Testing] <[hidden email]> wrote:
what happens when you open XML file in eclipse?

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Warm Regards


"If fate would mean you to lose, give it a tough fight;"
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Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests

you don't need any plugin, create text file and save it as .xml
~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests

thanks for your response. I was able to create a file and save it as .xml and it did work

Once I ran the test using the xml file, it did run but the TestNG reports was not created and the test-output was not created. is it because of this or am I missing anything? please reply
thanks in advance

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 6:13 PM, softwaretestingforum [via Manual and Automated Testing] <[hidden email]> wrote:
you don't need any plugin, create text file and save it as .xml

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Warm Regards


"If fate would mean you to lose, give it a tough fight;"
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Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests

In reply to this post by santuaili
I too have this problem..Earlier I was seeing the XML option in the wizard list, but now I don't. So, I ended up at this thread and tried creating a file and naming it as testng.xml. But, this doesn't show up under Suite when I try to set the run configurations while executing from the xml file as demonstrated in the tutorial video. How can I resolve this?
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Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests

You may try: Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Search for "Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP -> Install and restart Eclipse. This could work as you need a WTP Plugin..
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Re: Unable to see XML in the Wizard and hence not able to create XML file for my tests

In reply to this post by santuaili
Hi All,

I am unable to see XML in Eclipse (File>New>Other>Select a wizard).I have downloaded Rinzo xml editor but still am unable to see XML.I have been searching for solution for a while but all to no avail.This is a real blocker for me,I really need to know how to run Webdriver test with testNG xml.