Test scenario is about write test funtionlaity. It describes the fucntionality. From scnario we write ttest cases.
Test cases is set of steps to write the functionality.
Save Personal details
Test scenarios:
1.Enter valid and mandatory details and save the data or Click save button.
2. Enter valid data and levae mandatory fields and clcik save button
3. Enter inavlida data and clcik save button.
4. Enter the data clcik cancel button
EX Test cases for 2 st scenario
1. Enter valid Fisrt name
2. Enter valid Last name
3. Enter valid Date of birth
4. Click save button
4th test case:
1. Enter valid Fisrt name
2. Enter valid Last name
3. Enter valid Date of birth
4. Click Cancel button
This is my underastnding...Please correct me if i am wrong.
I know writing the test cases, I was bit confuse with her answer, for that only i asked her to explain with Login page.
Please find below my test scenario and test cases on login page. I written some cases only, not complete. test case.
1) Verify the functionality of Login button
Test Cases
Verify if, the header is displayed as “ Log In”
Verify if username field is displayed
Verify if, “Usename” text is displayed
Verify if, Password field is displayed
Verify if, “password” displayed
Verify if, a Login In button is displayed
Verify if, “Forgot your Password” button is displayed
Verify the functionality of Login Button with valid credientials
Verify the functionality of the “Forgot your password” button
Verify if, the header is displayed as “ Log In”
Verify if a field with lable username is displayed
Verify if,a filed with lable Password is displayed
Verify if, a Login In button is displayed
Verify if, “Forgot your Password” button is displayed
Verify the functionality of Login Button with valid credientials
Verify the functionality of the “Forgot your password” button