As you may have read in
this post. I am wanting to provide free selenium training. But this could only materialize when there are enough participants. Logistics can be worked out only after there is enough participation. So what could a Selenium training cover? It boils down to many factors, like -
1. Language of your choice. Remember Selenium tests can written in a variety of languages like - Java, C#, Python, PHP... list goes on. And then beginning should be to first learn the language.
2. What is you objective in test automation. Record and Replay (Selenium IDE is for you) or sustainable test automation using Selenium 2 API
3. Already on Selenium 1 and want to migrate to Selenium 2?
4. Willing to reduce time in test automation by parallelizing you test. Grid 2 is here.
The list goes on, and list can not be static. Different groups would have different needs. And as I said earlier things can be finalized only after there is enough participation. So post on your suggestions in this thread.