Re: Deploying Selenium IDE exports (JUnit 4 [Webdriver]) to Selenium Grid for parallel tests

Posted by Tanya on

Hi Brandon,

I started learning Selenium very recently and after getting stuck with another problem I try to research online to get answers. After reading your post I figured that I'm being the same shoe as you were few months back. You mentioned that you're going to write a tut for people like you, I am like you. :) Did you get a chance to write something up? Can you share?

I’m using Grid2 and I have tests sitting in Ecslipse now and I run them via TestNG (Webdriver).  
I have started the hub on one box and the node on another box via the command line. Both boxes are Windows server (planning to move to the Linux box)
I added these lines inside my tests:
DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();

WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capability);

Now how does my test supposed to run? Any clues?
