Re: Deploying Selenium IDE exports (JUnit 4 [Webdriver]) to Selenium Grid for parallel tests

Posted by softwaretestingforum on

Brandon I love all Selenium users :)
Also thanks for showing interests in posting your questions on the site.

Now coming to using Google Chrome, you can instantiate Google Chrome as -

 this.selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", Integer.parseInt("4444"),  *googlechrome", "");

Notice that DefaultSelenium construct takes only 4 arguments. This is the list of browsers you can use.


The reason I ask to use Selenium 2 (also known as WebDriver API) is that soon you would find that you Selenium RC commands which work in FF don't work in IE or chrome, or you may run in to permission denied error when using Selenium RC.
While you would never face permission denied error with WebDriver API, click, type etc operations are also almost identical so you face mush less issues with Selenium  2 than with Selenium 1 (also known as Selenium RC)

If you need a small tutorial on using Selenium 2 then this might help -

It's little long but I have tried to compare how Selenium 2 API can be structured just like Selenium 1 and more maintainable tests could be written.
