Re: Deploying Selenium IDE exports (JUnit 4 [Webdriver]) to Selenium Grid for parallel tests

Posted by Brandon on

*Edit: Apologies for deleting the above posts. I normally never delete posts, however I have found a way around the problem which led me to a whole new set of problems...haha. :) I'll figure it out eventually. Still confused about below, however!*

This is more on topic. I'm still confused as to how to take my IDE tests that I've exported as TestNG (Webdriver) files and get them to run on the grid :(

So, let's assume that I have a test case that I have exported from Selenium IDE as a TestNG (Webdriver) file titled : Lets also assume that I have tested the test in Eclipse and no errors are returned.

On my headless Ubuntu server, I have started the hub via the linux command line:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone.2.21.0.jar role -hub

On my Windows machine, I have started a node via the command line:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.21.0.jar -role node -port 5556 -hub http://<hub address>:4444/grid/register

So, I have the hub and one node running. Now what? How do I get my test with the filename to run on the grid? This is the wall that I'm stuck at.

Is it something as simple as?:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.21.0.jar role -node -browser browserName=firefox,maxinstances=5,platform=WINDOWS -file

Please help!!

Thank you very much!

