soft assertion on webdriver

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soft assertion on webdriver

Hi Tarun

we are looking to handle exception thrown by isdisplay() method using selenium assertions.

if any method throws exception it should fail and show description statement in testng report. Also continue the our test case execution.

As per your 7th training session , soft assertions are supports.

can i use soft assertions as below?

customVerification.verifyTrue("Searchpage is displayed", driver.findElement(

one more question:

Do i have to append customverification java file to my frame work or any exiting jar file provides this feature?
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Re: soft assertion on webdriver

Hi Sree,

driver.findelement would throw exception if element is not available.
What do you encounter if you use the method you mentioned in your post?

About customverification  java class, you can add it in your framework how I had it in Selenium project -