'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

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'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

I get an error when i use sendKeys method.

my java code is below:

package com.selenium;

import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class WebDriverTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.findElement(By.id("searchInput")).sendKeys("Selenium Software");


The error is

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
The method sendKeys(CharSequence[]) in the type WebElement is not applicable for the arguments (String)

Kindly help resolving this issue..
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Re: 'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

Does not look wrong, Could you post snap shot of IDE where you encounter the error?
~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: 'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

Hi Tarun, i have attached the screenshot of my IDE.

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 10:13 PM, tarunkumar [via Manual and Automated Testing] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Does not look wrong, Could you post snap shot of IDE where you encounter the error?

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Guruprasad R
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IDE.jpg (298K) Download Attachment
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Re: 'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

Package definition is wrong (first line)
It should be -

~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: 'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

IDE.jpg Sorry that i din't notice that typo. But here is the actual error which i have attached.
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Re: 'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

As a work around i found this: package com.selenium; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; public class WebDriverTest { public static void main(String[] args) { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.get("http://www.wikipedia.org"); //driver.findElement(By.id("searchInput")).sendKeys("Selenium Software"); CharSequence[] arr = {"selenium software"}; driver.findElement(By.id("searchInput")).sendKeys(arr); } }
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Re: 'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

I'm using selenium 2.31 and I'm also having the same error in Netbeans.

Don't know what's going wrong. It used to work with earlier versions. I guess the method signature
takes CharSequence vargs, may be that has something to do.

Attached is the compilation error showing snapshot.

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Re: 'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

String is also character array.
Could you place mouse on error and highlight it?
~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: 'sendKeys' method shows error during compilation

hi ,

i know whats error coming here. actually error is :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
        The method sendKeys(CharSequence[]) in the type WebElement is not
applicable for the arguments (String)

Solution :

Actually its not selenium error its error from perticular eclipse version.
we can set it from backend also .


USE anonomous string array like :
driver.findElement(By.name("q")).sendKeys(new String[] {"Cheese!"});

Description : char sequence[] is always array so we can create object of "string[]" and use it ...
here i have taken anonomous array because we are using it only once.

Thanks and Regards,
Pratyush Mishra