selenium grid - running test parallel

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selenium grid - running test parallel

hi  i have written lot of rc java classes,my requirement is to run
tests in parallel anyhow with grid setup.when i read gid document they
say we can give classname one by one and run.

iam using junit +ant!
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Re: selenium grid - running test parallel

Hi Sasi,

have you setup grid? did you follow -

Is it important for you to us Junit, TestNG can be easily used to run tests in parallel even without using grid.
If possible I would suggest you to use TestNG.
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Re: selenium grid - running test parallel

I have been using Sel 2. As Grid is included in to this, I was able to verify the Grid functionality - even without Ant. I jused Junit + sel 2(webdriver). THough I did not test the complete parallel run functioanlity, I could use the Grid upto some extent.

No setup is required specifically, that I know of.
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Re: selenium grid - running test parallel

I agree grid 2 is the way to go