I can not start the selenium-server and do not understand why!
I write on terminal:
cd folder_with_selenium_server/jars/
java-jar selenium-server.jar
11:13:42.496 INFO - Java: Apple Inc. 20.4-b02-402
11:13:42.497 INFO - OS: Mac OS X 10.7.3 x86_64
11:13:42.506 INFO - v2.0 [a2], with Core v2.0 [a2]
11:13:42.596 INFO - Should RemoteWebDriver instances connect to: INFO - Version Jetty/5.1.x
11:13:42.598 INFO - Started HttpContext [/ selenium-server/driver, / selenium-server/driver]
11:13:42.599 INFO - Started HttpContext [/ selenium-server, / selenium-server]
11:13:42.599 INFO - Started HttpContext [/, /]
11:13:42.659 INFO - Started @ org.openqa.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler 70cb6009
11:13:42.660 INFO - Started HttpContext [/ wd, / wd]
11:13:42.665 INFO - Started SocketListener on
11:13:42.665 INFO - Started @ 366025e7 org.openqa.jetty.jetty.Server
When I go on the page
http://localhost:4444/I have this message:
Forbidden for Proxy
RequestUri = /
And if I launch your own as I open firefox but nothing happens, the browser remains white.
What is wrong?
ps: if I write this in the browser
http://localhost:4444/selenium-server/driver?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServerI view okok and in the terminal:
11:16:26.932 INFO - Command request: shutDownSeleniumServer [,] on session null
11:16:26.934 INFO - Received Shutdown command
11:16:26.935 INFO - initiating shutdown
11:16:26.935 INFO - Got result: OK on session null
11:16:27.449 INFO - Shutting down ...
Thank you.:)