how to write css selector based on span text

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how to write css selector based on span text

shelly garg

Hi Tarun,

I have few buttons on my webPage. And I want to identify the buttons based on the visible text of the button

I am able to write the xpath which is ($x("//button/span[text()='Cancel']")) but can u please help me in writing the css for this.

<button id="b111321" class="x-btn-center" autocomplete="off" role="button" hidefocus="true" type="button" style="width: 69px; height: 24px;">

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Re: how to write css selector based on span text

shelly garg

<button id="b111321" class="x-btn-center" autocomplete="off" role="button" hidefocus="true" type="button" style="width: 69px; height: 24px;">

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Re: how to write css selector based on span text

shelly garg
not sure why span tag is not visible in the post. so I am adding comment //

//<button id="button-1132-btnEl" class="x-btn-center" autocomplete="off" role="button" hidefocus="true" type="button" style="width: 69px; height: 24px;">

My question is Can u please help me in writing the CSS  to identify the button , based on visible button text
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Re: how to write css selector based on span text

Hi Shelly,

There is no text based selector in CSS. At least not in pure css.
There are java script libraries likde jquery which have text based css selector. But I would not recommend using it.
Hence I am going to suggest you to use xPath when it comes to using text based selector.

Hope this helps
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Re: how to write css selector based on span text

shelly garg

Thanks a lot Tarun!