Hi Tarun,
when I try to add dependsOnMethod attribute to a test method which takes the value on non test method, it shows the error.
"com.selenium.PageObjectExample.testRegistrationNew() is not allowed to depend on public void com.selenium.PageObjectExample.testPageObject()"
My code goes like this :
@Test(dataProvider = "regData",dataProviderClass = RegistrationData.class, dependsOnMethods = "testPageObject")
public void testRegistrationNew(String sFirstName,String sLastName,String sPhoneNumber, String sUsername, String sEmail, String sCountry,String sPassword ,String sRepassword)
The method public void testPageObject() is not a test class.
am I not allowed to include dependsOnMethod on a non test method?
I am attaching PageObjectExample.java for your reference