click event on a data grid , check box

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click event on a data grid , check box

Hi ,

There is a simple thing to be done ,that is i want to click a check box in a data grid . so as a tradition i used click event to check the checkbox in the data grid. but unfortunately it doesn't worked out well , so i used several ways to overcome that problem , i used focus event ,mouseover , etc .. but no luck , when i used selenium IDE it works , when we run through selenium remote the problem occurs (it skip the event).

I found some articles have mention to used mousedown and up events also ... please let me know a solution for this.this is a urgent requirement for me.

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Re: click event on a data grid , check box

I have used mousedown  and up in past for this.
Did you try that?
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Re: click event on a data grid , check box

i ll try that and let u know

tarun ....

Thank you ,
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Re: click event on a data grid , check box

it worked with mouseDownAt and upAt EVENT with XY coordinates , ... y this is like this ... this should be a bug in selenium , ...  :-)
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Re: click event on a data grid , check box

I would not suggest using co-ordinates.
I had similar issued with typing in textarea today and I used combination of  -

typeKeys("locator", testdata);

and this worked for me.
Try avoid using coordinates as much as possible for obvious reasons.