chrome browser doesnt load the page

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chrome browser doesnt load the page

  i have been experiencing issue with chrome browser as it doesn't load the page from the project i downloaded (12th Dec session) . same is the case with firefox too.

do u know any other reason which i might be missing ?

this is the part of the chromedriver part

                        driver = new ChromeDriver();

i started the grid hub and node before the execution .

i have attached the error log.

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Re: chrome browser doesnt load the page

Which version of Selenium and Chrome are you using?
Do you encounter same error if your run test with out grid configuration?
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Re: chrome browser doesnt load the page

the project before this(7th dec) works fine for firefox although the chrome browser execution doesn't kick off at all .Firefox execution runs for both the data sets.

selenium -2.29.0
chrome latest -chromedriver_win_26.0.1383.0
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Re: no test/beforesetup method execution

tarun , the last project which im trying to run behaves differently .
i'm not trying to execute it with grid config but just with webdriver properties and it doesn't enter any of the test or before setup methods(no testng annotated method) at all. what might be wrong in here .
i tried the execution for project created befor this demo and it works but this one seems to give issues . all the browser and drivers are latest updates being used.
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Re: no test/beforesetup method execution

What error do you encounter?
Any exception trace you could post.
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Re: no test/beforesetup method execution


i have attached both the trace for chrome and FF execution both times it just opens the url and closes for chrome but FF it doesn't close .

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Re: no test/beforesetup method execution

tarun, did u get a chance to look into the trace logs ?
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Re: no test/beforesetup method execution

Looks like a different issue than the original problem you had posted on topic.
Could you start a new thread on this will all relevant details?