cannot reopen back the script

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cannot reopen back the script

hi tarun,

Need your help with selenium. I do some recording&play back using selenium IDE and save as HTML. But when the other time i want to reopen back my file that has been saved,there is an error which said "error loading test case: no command found".So, i cannot open back and edit the script that i've saved. Why is this happened and what mistakes that i've done.  Help me please.
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Re: cannot reopen back the script

Hi Aqilah,

Welcome to group.
Did you make any changes in the script after recording?
Which version of Seleium IDE are you using?
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Re: cannot reopen back the script

Hi tarun,

Thanks for your help.Its really works now.FYI, i'm using selenium IDE 1.6.0 and firefox 4.0.1.Now after im running the script using the command line below,test suites results appear with all the details.But when im clicking "show log" button on the page,selenium log console appear in blank page. What should i do to make the logs shows up.

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.16.1.jar -singlewindow -hmtlSuite "*iexplore" "" "C:\selenium\testSuite.html" "C:\selenium\results.html"
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Re: cannot reopen back the script

Hi aqilah,

I am not really sure of this as I don't use Selenium IDE.
Over the period of time you would find it useful to move on to Selenium 2 from Selenium IDE
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Re: cannot reopen back the script

In reply to this post by aqilah
hi I am still get this error "error loading test case: no command found" when trying to open a file in Selenium 1.6.0 IDE. It was captured in FF 10.

Can someone help please.Thanks.
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Re: cannot reopen back the script

As far as I know you can only open .html file in Selenium IDE. They are selenese test cases recorded in Selenium. If you change format of test case to .py or java then you would not be able to work with it in Selenium IDE.
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Re: cannot reopen back the script

Could i know which version of Mozille Firefox best suits the Selenium IDE 1.7.2
I dont exactly know which one to use to avoid unnecessary errors, as i have used many firefox versions but found different errors with every single versions. I am using WIndows 7, 64 bit os and could someone suggest me regarding the same.

Thanks in Advance..
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Re: cannot reopen back the script

Hi Sanjay,

Please post your question in a new thread. It will help others to focus on one problem thread at one point :)