Webdriver select list from dropdown

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Webdriver select list from dropdown

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I have a selenium RC code below which selects list of drop down values and stores in array

String [] abc = selenium.getSelectOptions("c");
                for(int i=1; i<abc.length; i++)
                        log.info(i+" : "+abc[i]);

how to do the same with webdriver

can anyone help me.

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Re: Webdriver select list from dropdown

Hi Ashwin,

I would suggest to you use List instead of String to store the values. You could use WebDriver to achieve this as following -

               // List to hold drop down values
                List<String>dropDownValues = new ArrayList<String>();
                // List to hold drop down elements in drop down
                List<WebElement> dropDownElement = new Select(driver.findElement(By
                                .cssSelector("drop down locator"))).getAllSelectedOptions();
                // Store drop down values
                for(WebElement element: dropDownElement) {
                // Print drop down values
                for(String value: dropDownValues) {

Let us know if you have any doubt.
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