Web Browsing Task Automation through Selenium

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Web Browsing Task Automation through Selenium

Hello Everyone, I came across Selenium as a solution for web browser automation. My requirement is to automate downloading of zip files from http://www.linkzhost.com where the download link changes every time. I am a rookie with coding so I prefer application which records my steps. Then I tweak & remove the hardcodings. I am from IT infra background & do not have any training of any specific programming language. But I manage through google. I did record a selenium script (attached) with Selenium IDE 2.6.0 in Firefox which performs following steps: 1) Opens DJLUv.in site 2) Searches for a movie name say "Finding Fanny" in my case 3) Clicks the found results of the search & opens the page of the movie 3) Clicks on download image at the bottom of the page to go to http://www.linkzhost.com 4) Then searches for "Generate Link" button & clicks it. After this I am stuck. The link generated, changes every time so what can be done about it? My idea is to check hyperlink ending with ".zip" & then click to download. However I understand Selenium is not very good with windows dialog box for file download. Can you suggest a workaround? I am open with any other tools or processes, but the tool should record my steps & generate 90% of the code itself as I don't have the expertise to write a full blown code. I will manage the remaining 10% through Google searches. Hope to hear back from you Thanks in advance for your help.DJluv.html
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Re: Web Browsing Task Automation through Selenium


As you have said "The link generated, changes every time ",I think you cannot use selenium IDE to record this.It is one of the drawbacks of IDE wherein the data generated dynamically is not handled properly.
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Re: Web Browsing Task Automation through Selenium

Thank you for your reply. Could you suggest any alternate way or alternate software which might do this?
I am not focussed on any specific software, just need the ultimate task of automated downloading.