Hello Everyone,
I came across Selenium as a solution for web browser automation.
My requirement is to automate downloading of zip files from http://www.linkzhost.com where the download link changes every time.
I am a rookie with coding so I prefer application which records my steps. Then I tweak & remove the hardcodings. I am from IT infra background & do not have any training of any specific programming language. But I manage through google.
I did record a selenium script (attached) with Selenium IDE 2.6.0 in Firefox which performs following steps:
1) Opens DJLUv.in site
2) Searches for a movie name say "Finding Fanny" in my case
3) Clicks the found results of the search & opens the page of the movie
3) Clicks on download image at the bottom of the page to go to http://www.linkzhost.com
4) Then searches for "Generate Link" button & clicks it.
After this I am stuck. The link generated, changes every time so what can be done about it? My idea is to check hyperlink ending with ".zip" & then click to download.
However I understand Selenium is not very good with windows dialog box for file download.
Can you suggest a workaround? I am open with any other tools or processes, but the tool should record my steps & generate 90% of the code itself as I don't have the expertise to write a full blown code. I will manage the remaining 10% through Google searches.
Hope to hear back from you
Thanks in advance for your help.