Validating xpath in chrome gives syntax error

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Validating xpath in chrome gives syntax error

Vinod Ujjal Boruah
I was trying to validate the xpath of the search box of weikipedia as shown in the video tutorial
SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
Please rectify my syntax
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Re: Validating xpath in chrome gives syntax error

Please try


you need to put "//" in-front of the code since you are using xpath. this is the basic syntax
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Re: Validating xpath in chrome gives syntax error

Still facing with same error as "Unexpected Token {". Can anyone help please. Attached screenshot for reference.
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Re: Validating xpath in chrome gives syntax error

In reply to this post by bswjitsamal
I believe it is a simple syntax error.
Replace { } with ( ) in your xpath.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 5:45 PM, bswjitsamal [via Manual and Automated Testing] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Please try


you need to put "//" in-front of the code since you are using xpath. this is the basic syntax

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