Unable to run chrome webdriver

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Unable to run chrome webdriver

Dear Tarun,

I have encountered error while trying second session demo.The error in console is Configuration Failures: 1, Skips: 1 and in result of running suites is Configuration java.lang.IllegalStateException: The driver executable does not exist: F:\All File info\Jar file\jar\chromedriver .

Even i took chrome driver in F:\All File info\Jar file\jar\chromedriver.

Only Firefox browser is working fine but chrome is not working. as i mentioned above error is throwing.Could you help me out ?.


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Re: Unable to run chrome webdriver

Try giving extension ".exe" in the path. In your case, give "F:\All File info\Jar file\jar\chromedrive.exe"
I had the same issues.
Tell me if it works for you.
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Re: Unable to run chrome webdriver

Now working fine.But if i try to run the huge functional code for both browser to run parallel (IE and chrome) not working.If i run single any one of browser works fine.Any idea..? would be helpful..
