Unable to open only client browser window

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Unable to open only client browser window


When I execute the selenium test cases, I am able to see that 2 browsers are running in minimized mode. One browser for commands and another one for running the application. I would like to open only one browser where it is running the application.

When I tried with the command "-SingleWindow", it is opening only one browser which executes the commands.

Is there any way to open only one browser which is running the application and in maximized mode?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Unable to open only client browser window

Use -singlewindow
notice that all are small letter. It should only open the application window and not test runner.

Use windowMaximize to maximize browser window.
~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: Unable to open only client browser window

Hi Tarun,

Thanks for quick reply.

I tried with -singlewindow, still I could see only test runner (commands) window in my system.

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Re: Unable to open only client browser window

Which version of Selenium are you using?

Do you see this problem with both IE and FF?
~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: Unable to open only client browser window

Please close all the browser instances currently opened then try it should come.

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Re: Unable to open only client browser window

In reply to this post by softwaretestingforum

I am using selenium server 2.18.0 version and I have tested with FF and IE both.
No improvement so far.

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Re: Unable to open only client browser window

It looks odd, can you post line by line how you start server
and an abridged peace of tests with which you faced this issue.

I would debug it and let you know.
~ seleniumtests.com