Unable to find Xpath or ID

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Unable to find Xpath or ID

Hi Everyone.

I'm trying to find out the xpath for resource manager element, and i tried in different ways , I turned up with error saying unable to find the element, can any one help me in getting out the XPath, as this is very urgent for me, to move further in my task.

below HTML code
<button class="btn btn-info" data-target="#import" data-toggle="modal">


and i have dynamically changing ID's as well, could any one explain me how to write manual Xpath or ID

<button id="logFiles_d2156c07-ee8b-4d10-9391-cd449ad00cb2" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" title="Log Files" data-bind="click: $root.showLogFiles, enable: RunResults() != null, attr: { 'id': 'logFiles_' + RequestId() }" disabled="">

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Re: Unable to find Xpath or ID

Can you not do something like $x(button[class="btn-default btn-xs"])