Trouble with the ChromeDriver to run a project

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Trouble with the ChromeDriver to run a project

I managed to import and setup the Selenium WebDriver project involving the Page Object idea.  This one involved using Chrome and FireFox browsers.  The project appeared to run correctly with only the FireFox browser required.  When attempting to get and incorporate the ChromeDriver file, there appeared to be error of the system not being able to find the required file even though the correct path should have been present  The computer has a 64 bit OS so I wondered if this was the problem if only a 32 bit type ChromeDriver was available.  I was not able to get the project to run.
Anyone have an idea of how to fix this?
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Re: Trouble with the ChromeDriver to run a project


Since you have downloaded the file, which is by-default working properly in FF, but for chrome you have to downloaded the chrome driver and in the path, give the path of the chrome driver where it is stored.

then tun it ..
let me know the result.