Training 6 download project - Important updates and changes required prior to build

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Training 6 download project - Important updates and changes required prior to build

Hi All,

This is intended for anyone who has downloaded project 6 of selenium video series i.e, Page Factory Pattern and Mavenizing Selenium Project. After I downloaded it, I encountered some problems during compilation which were as follows:-

a) SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

I spent hours researching on what could have gone wrong until I got the solution. Please refer to this link and it will help you resolve your first problem.. This is related to a bug found in m2e version 1.1 and above. The strange thing is that the error is shown in the eclipse console but when you check the logs, it is normal. So the point is, ignore this error.

b) If you see that the firefox is still without any action, make sure that you add the dependency for selenium webdriver and firefoxdriver in pom.xml file. The version should match but make sure the versions are updated in the local repository. For eg in my case I have added the dependencies as:-


The latest version of firefox driver can be downloaded from

Hope it is useful. Happy Testing!
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Re: Training 6 download project - Important updates and changes required prior to build

thanks for sharing it with us :)