Selenium Testing Environment

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Selenium Testing Environment

Pushpraj Singh
How to know which JDK I am using and how to install testng plugin according to that JDK in  my eclipse?
OS : win7
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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

execute -> java -version
from command line and it would let you know the java you are running.

About testng eclipse plug-in, it depends on the eclipse version you are using. This guide should help - 
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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

Pushpraj Singh
JAVA=java version 1.6
Eclipse IDE=Eclipse 3.3
Testng plugin for eclipse=testng-5.9-jdk15.jar,
After putting(installing) all above together I cant see Run as>>Testng in Run as menu in eclipse.
Step to create this enviroment:
1.Install JDK 1.6
2.Download eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32, create(or choose default) your workspace
3.Right click java project>>properties>>Build path>>Libraries>>Choose external jars and choose             testng-5.9-jdk15.jar, click ok twice and its done.
But still I dont see tesng in run as menu.
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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

Testng plugin for eclipse=testng-5.9-jdk15.jar,

This is not right. This is jar file. Did you follow steps mentioned here -

For the Eclipse plug-in, we suggest using the update site:

    Select Help / Software updates / Find and Install.
    Search for new features to install.
    New remote site.
    For Eclipse 3.4 and above, enter
    For Eclipse 3.3 and below, enter
    Make sure the check box next to URL is checked and click Next.
    Eclipse will then guide you through the process.
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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

Pushpraj Singh
It worked now I can see Testng in Runas menu.
If I run code using Testng it goes fine and donot give any error but stuck at "preparing firefox profile..." but when I run the code with Junit it shows error "No test found in script.DataProviderExample" and doesn't run.
I am learning from "imdb" example given with videos at
Please help.
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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

A lil confused with this.
Do you want to use testng or junit?
If you are using testng annotations then you should use testng to execute test.
About - "preparing firefox profile..."
Shut down all instances of firefox before executing test.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Pushpraj Singh [via Manual and Automated Testing] <[hidden email]> wrote:
It worked now I can see Testng in Runas menu.
If I run code using Testng it goes fine and donot give any error but stuck at "preparing firefox profile..." but when I run the code with Junit it shows error "No test found in script.DataProviderExample" and doesn't run.
I am learning from "imdb" example given with videos at
Please help.

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Tarun K

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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

Pushpraj Singh
It is still stuck, I closed firefox, restarted eclipse but no improvement.
Actually new to all such stuff, so I dont understand the difference , dont what the meaning of annotations. Exploring everything and bit on my own.
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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

Can you begin with a simple test first?
A simple test which just opens the Google in FF and closes it.
Once you are through then could try more complex Data Driven test.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Pushpraj Singh [via Manual and Automated Testing] <[hidden email]> wrote:
It is still stuck, I closed firefox, restarted eclipse but no improvement.
Actually new to all such stuff, so I dont understand the difference , dont what the meaning of annotations. Exploring everything and bit on my own.

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Tarun K

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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

In reply to this post by Pushpraj Singh
Annotations are interpreted by selenium with the help of Junit to run tests. They are a sort of commands to selenium how to understand the code and run it.

So, if we write   @Ignore (like we say to other ignore this), selenium ignores the subsequent statements. Means, the subsequent code won't run at all.

There are many, so google them.
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Re: Selenium Testing Environment

In reply to this post by Pushpraj Singh
Hi Pushparaj,

Please find the document for the environmental setup for selenium RC with TestNG.
