Selenium 2 ( WebDriver )+ Java + Maven + Eclipse Hello World Program Issue

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Selenium 2 ( WebDriver )+ Java + Maven + Eclipse Hello World Program Issue

Java "Hello World" project convert to Maven Project and it stopped working with error "Error: Could not find or load main class...."

Hi All,

I did lot of search in google but couldn't find any Hello World program for Selenium 2 ( WebDriver )+ Java + Maven + Eclipse setup instructions

I'm having below setup

Eclipse with Maven plugin
Created a Java project "Hello World" and it worked fine when ran as "Java Application"
Then converted this to Marvel Project.
Tried to run whole project but it didn't fun
Tried to run Hello World file and it's consistently failing with error "Error: Could not find or load main class...."
Questions: 1. How to setup and run basis selenium 2 program with maven inside Eclipse 2. Why java stopped working after converting to Maven project.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Vikram
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Re: Selenium 2 ( WebDriver )+ Java + Maven + Eclipse Hello World Program Issue

Could you upload your project here and I would debug.