SOLVED:Webdriver unable to locate element

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SOLVED:Webdriver unable to locate element

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I am using Visual Studio with Selenium Webdriver and NUnit and I am unable to interact with any element on a page for this site. Selenium IDE can interact with most of it, but Webdriver can't interact with any.  I used the same code against Google it works as expected so I know its not a set up error.  

This is the html:
<input name="txtDisplayName" class="textbox" id="txtDisplayName" type="text" size="50" maxLength="64"/>

This is the command I use:
 driver.FindElement(By.Id("txtDisplayName")).SendKeys("Display Name");

This is the error:
OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchElementException : Unable to find element with id == txtDisplayName

This is the log
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver.UnpackAndThrowOnError(Response errorResponse) in c:\Projects\WebDriver\trunk\dotnet\src\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver.cs:line 983
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver.Execute(String driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary`2 parameters) in c:\Projects\WebDriver\trunk\dotnet\src\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver.cs:line 844
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver.FindElement(String mechanism, String value) in c:\Projects\WebDriver\trunk\dotnet\src\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver.cs:line 873
at OpenQA.Selenium.By.FindElement(ISearchContext context) in c:\Projects\WebDriver\trunk\dotnet\src\WebDriver\By.cs:line 306
at TestSelenium.Class1.AddClass() in C:\Users\MyDocuments\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\TestSelenium\TestSelenium\Class1.cs:line 31
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Re: Webdriver unable to locate element

No ideas?
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Re: Webdriver unable to locate element

Could you post more of your test scripts ?
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Re: Webdriver unable to locate element

The browser opens fine, but the script is unable to interact with anything in the browser.

public class Class1
        public IWebDriver driver;
        public String baseURL;

        public void SetUp()
            var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
            options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
            driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(@"C:\", options);
            baseURL = "http://testURL";
        public void AddClass()
            driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(baseURL + "/Pages/Process/Configuration/Class/Details.aspx");    
            driver.FindElement(By.Id("txtDisplayName")).SendKeys("Display Name");
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Re: Webdriver unable to locate element

I don't really work on IE so can not comment.
Could you try with FF and Chrome to find out if it is IE only issue?
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Re: Webdriver unable to locate element

I tried in Firefox and get basically the same error: TestSelenium.Class1.AddClass:
OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchElementException : Unable to locate element: {"method":"id","selector":"txtDisplayName"}

This product is only supported in IE.  Do you have any other ideas, Tarun?
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Re: Webdriver unable to locate element

Could you keep a break point at this step and check if element is really available -

            driver.FindElement(By.Id("txtDisplayName")).SendKeys("Display Name");
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Re: Webdriver unable to locate element

It is still unable to find any of the elements with the break point added and stepping through them.
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Re: Webdriver unable to locate element

Is there any way for me to access you application.
You could drop me details at - tkumarb @
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SOLVED:Webdriver unable to locate element

I did end up figuring this out.  The page I was on contains iframes.  I had to switch to the iframe for WebDriver to interact with the content.
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Re: SOLVED:Webdriver unable to locate element

glad that you were able to solve it :)