Running scripts on Google chrome

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Running scripts on Google chrome

Hi Tarun,

I am running my scripts on chrome by using *googlechrome as running mode. As my site is https, it is showing some security message. What I have to do in order to run the script as same as in IE and FF.Please fine the screenshot.

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Re: Running scripts on Google chrome

I think how chrome works, you might as well be able to clink "Proceed anyway" using selenium. Did you try that?
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Re: Running scripts on Google chrome

Hi Tarun,

I have clicked the link "proceed anyway". I am able to run the script but the thing is in the url part the string part "https" is crosslined. Is there any way to run the same scripts as same as in IE and FF?
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Re: Running scripts on Google chrome

I think it is because chrome interprets it as an HTML element and you can click and get through.
As for other browsers I suppose you are not facing this issue so you can execute this piece of code only in chrome.

Look for Selenium API you there might be way to find browser type at run time.
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Re: Running scripts on Google chrome

Hi Tarun,

I have found the solution for it. I think it is because of expiration of the Cybervillan ceritificate. I have installed that certificate. Please find the process below.

I have installed the cybervillainsCA certificate under TRUSTED ROOT CERTIFICATION AUTHORITIES in google chrome. This can be done by the following process.

1. Unzip file
2. Open settings in chrome.
3. Open Under the hood tab
4. Click on Manage certificates
5. Click on import
6. Click on Next
7. Browse the file cybervillainsCA ( which is in sslSupport of unzipped folder of selenium server)
8. Click on Next
9.  Select Place all certificates in the following store
10. Click on browse button
11. Selecte trust root certification authorities
12. click on next
13. click on finish and then ok.
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Re: Running scripts on Google chrome

Thanks for sharing