Running safari using RC

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Running safari using RC

Md Wasi
Hi friends,
          I wanted to run a HTML suite using selenium server 2.2, it works fine with IE and Firefox but does not work with safari. I used following command.

C:\>java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.20.0.jar -htmlSuite "*safari" "URL of base website" "Path and name of testSuite in html format" "Path and name of result file to be generated in html format"

any suggestions.... thanks in advance....
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Re: Running safari using RC

I am no master of safari (in fact never used safari with selenium) but what is the issue you face? Is it that browser is not launched or tests don't work at all?
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Re: Running safari using RC

Md Wasi
Thanks varun.... i am now able to use webdriver but one problem I am facing is how to type in java applate, precisely Ephox can you please help me as the scripts are not getting recorded using IDE and am not able to write codes as well for the same... below is the link for the java applate
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Re: Running safari using RC

You may not be able to record applet operations in IDE and I doubt if you could get through using WebDriver also. What I have known about them is - Dev team need to provide hooks in applet which could make it easy for selenium identify the locator. I was looking at the URL you posted and at did not see any such hook in Chrome Console which could be used by Selenium.
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Re: Running safari using RC

Md Wasi
In reply to this post by softwaretestingforum
Thanks varun,
the problem is the browser opens but test cases do not load...
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Re: Running safari using RC

Could you please elaborate, what you are referring as - "but test cases do not load..."