Reporting/Logging of a keyword driven framework

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Reporting/Logging of a keyword driven framework

Hari Upadrasta
Hello Boarders,

We are creating a keyword based framework for our organization.

There are a certain things we are bothered about:

1 Weather to use reflection API or switch case for executing the keywords.
2 How to(or is it good) maintain seperate logs for developer(debugging log) and end user log(just for the status and results).
     developer logs should be like(Basically all the things happening):
clicked element Home.Login
entered "BMW" in element Home.Search
     end user log should be like:
      user logged in with username and password
      search for BMW

any other best practices for keyword driven frameworks.

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Re: Reporting/Logging of a keyword driven framework

It would be better to use the Reflection API to invoke the keywords.

For logging it would be better to use simple HTML for end user and for developer debugging use log4j log.