Reference to JUnit/TestNG library

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Reference to JUnit/TestNG library

During the second video tutorial of the series you suddenly started using the Assert statement that comes from JUnit/TestNG library. but at no stage (as far as I can see) have you defined the reference library in Eclipse to make such a library available. What is required specifically to be done for this?
Wouldn't you normally be creating your tests as JUnit or TestNG tests rather than as standard Java applications?
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Re: Reference to JUnit/TestNG library

No, you don't have to use Junit or TestNG tests to be able to use Assert class.
Assert class is plain API and does not warrant usage of test methods
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Re: Reference to JUnit/TestNG library

The Assert class only becomes available when I add the JUnit library in Eclipse as I show here:Inline images 1 .

On 4 November 2013 17:13, softwaretestingforum [via Manual and Automated Testing] <[hidden email]> wrote:
No, you don't have to use Junit or TestNG tests to be able to use Assert class.
Assert class is plain API and does not warrant usage of test methods

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Re: Reference to JUnit/TestNG library

that is right but your test does not have to be Junit test, it is just library you need to use Assert class