Please guide me for CSS and Xpath Selector for element

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Please guide me for CSS and Xpath Selector for element


Please guide me for CSS & Xpath selector for finding an element . I went through most of the material avail in Googl, but do not understand in a very proper manner. If you have any link or doc please provide.

More over in you selenium training video tutorial 2, once you user external jar for selenium server, in the console panel is shows pom.xml(build creation). Need more idea bout that.

Thanks and regards,
Biswajit Samal
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Re: Please guide me for CSS and Xpath Selector for element

No one is "sir" buddy

About CSS and xPath selector, have you watched my one hr training video on this topic?

Is there any thing specific you were not able to understand?

About Selenium Training Video Tutorial, could you paste snapshot of what you were not able to follow?