My estimations for functions.

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My estimations for functions.

First of all, thanks Tarun, for your time on this forum !

My estimations for functions:

Though nothing will be concrete in this context, I would like to get opinions on this, so I can correct my estimations (so clients won't be afraid to spend thousands of $ ) , if they are too much.

For XLS open and take test data, and put into an array:
12 hours.

For validating a list box for existence of list values:
4 hours

For writing a error description function which have 10 parameters:
12 hours

For a page which has 10 fields to be verified enabled state of each field and verify list box values, and then fill all fields.  Also should call error reporting function. For this, 5 hours.

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Re: My estimations for functions.

Estimation is something which I have never got right. Seriously.
But I think following two -

<<< For XLS open and take test data, and put into an array:
12 hours.

For validating a list box for existence of list values:
4 hours >>>

is too much of time and I am sure you already have common methods for these. Don't you?  

About -

For writing a error description function which have 10 parameters:

I could tell you only if I could get more info on implementation. But I think asking about it would be as good as you already having implemented it :)
I hope some else chimes in and gives you better info.
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Re: My estimations for functions.

"I am sure you already have common methods for these. "

Assumption should be we need to write new functions for all those above things.
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Re: My estimations for functions.

Yet 112 hrs look over kill to me.