Mobile website automation for iPhone/iPad

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Mobile website automation for iPhone/iPad


Is there a way to automate the browser on mobile devices such as iPhone or iPad? I am able to automate on the Android using WebDriver and android sdk but wondering if it is possible to do it the same way on iPhone/iPad from Windows machine.

Any ideas on how to achieve this are welcome.
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Re: Mobile website automation for iPhone/iPad

Hi Anand, I don't think there is any "simple" way of emulating xCode on windows. And even if you achieve this by means on tweaking xCode on windows, the test results may not be reliable.

In case you have not already seen iPhone automation using WebDriver - 
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Re: Mobile website automation for iPhone/iPad

Yes, I have gone through this webpage. So this means that I will have to have a Mac to get it work, which does not seem possible as of now or in near future :-/

Anyway, thanks for the reply.