Junit HTML report design

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Junit HTML report design

Hi Guys ,

These days i am working on reporting component in our automation framework ,  basically our framework based on Maven , i got worked Junit HTML report with the help Ant Depedency ,

Currently reporting is generating successfully , but there is a problem that , even though test cases have failed , report shows as Success in the status column . i want to chage those as Failure ,

Also i want to modify this report by Attaching screen shots , changing the report header , colors ,,etc .

HOW do we do this , i dont know where and what should i do ???

Please help me guys ...
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Re: Junit HTML report design

Where is the attachment :)
If you are using surefire report then it indeed sows failures in report. I am using one and it works well. I doubt about the configuration you have to generate report.
~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: Junit HTML report design

HI Tarun ,

This is not a SureFire HTML report , this Junit (ant) based report , with Ant depedency ,
I want to modify this one ,

Anyway my SureFire HTML report worksjunit-noframes.html fine ..

I have attached the file ,

relevant test cases are failed , but it mention as Successfull ,

I appriciate if you could post XSLT part and know how to import those ,

Thank s
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Re: Junit HTML report design

How do you know that test fail? Do you have two reports to compare? I am sorry but I am not aware of XSLT.
~ seleniumtests.com