Jenkins - singleWindow mode

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Jenkins - singleWindow mode

How I can execute my test on Jenkins on singleWindow mode instead of multiwindow?

[java] Unknown option: -singleWindow
     [java] Usage: <main class> [options]
     [java]  The XML suite files to run
     [java]   Options:
     [java]     -configfailurepolicy               Configuration failure policy (skip or
     [java]                                        continue)
     [java]     -d                                 Output directory
     [java]     -dataproviderthreadcount           Number of threads to use when running
     [java]                                        data providers
     [java]     -excludegroups                     Comma-separated list of group names to 
     [java]                                        exclude
     [java]     -groups                            Comma-separated list of group names to be
     [java]                                        run
     [java]     -junit                             JUnit mode
     [java]                                        Default: false
     [java]     -listener                          List of .class files or list of class
     [java]                                        names implementing ITestListener or
     [java]                                        ISuiteListener
     [java]     -methods                           Comma separated of test methods
     [java]                                        Default: []
     [java]     -methodselectors                   List of .class files or list of class
     [java]                                        names implementing IMethodSelector
     [java]     -objectfactory                     List of .class files or list of class
     [java]                                        names implementing ITestRunnerFactory
     [java]     -parallel                          Parallel mode (methods, tests or classes)
     [java]     -port                              The port
     [java]     -reporter                          Extended configuration for custom report
     [java]                                        listener
     [java]     -suitename                         Default name of test suite, if not
     [java]                                        specified in suite definition file or
     [java]                                        source code
     [java]     -suitethreadpoolsize               Size of the thread pool to use to run
     [java]                                        suites
     [java]                                        Default: 1
     [java]     -testclass                         The list of test classes
     [java]     -testjar                           A jar file containing the tests
     [java]     -testname                          Default name of test, if not specified in
     [java]                                        suitedefinition file or source code
     [java]     -testnames                         The list of test names to run
     [java]     -testrunfactory, -testRunFactory   The factory used to create tests
     [java]     -threadcount                       Number of threads to use when running
     [java]                                        tests in parallel
     [java]     -usedefaultlisteners               Whether to use the default listeners
     [java]                                        Default: true
     [java]     -log, -verbose                     Level of verbosity
     [java] Java Result: 1

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Re: Jenkins - singleWindow mode

Where do you specify -singleWindow mode? While starting server? Could you post code snippet?
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Re: Jenkins - singleWindow mode

Tarun I have tried more things, the last is in build.xml, so:

 <arg value="-d" />
      <arg value="${basedir}/target/reports" />
      <arg value="-suitename" />
      <arg value="Selenium Grid Java Sample Test Suite" />
      <arg value="-parallel"/>
      <arg value="methods"/>
      <arg value="-threadcount"/>
      <arg value="15"/>
      <arg value="-listener"/>
      <arg value="com.ndg.test.selenium.Screenshot"/>
      <arg value="-groups" />
      <arg value="${groups}" />
      <arg value="-singleWindow"/>
      <arg value="true"/>

but Jenkins return this:

[java] Unknown option: -singleWindow
     [java] Usage: <main class> [options]
     [java]  The XML suite files to run
     [java]   Options:
     [java]     -configfailurepolicy               Configuration failure policy (skip or
     [java]                                        continue)

Where I should set singleWindow mode for Jenkins?

ps:in local, into file I write this
java -jar lib/selenium-server-standalone-2.21.0.jar "*firefox" -singlewindow
and works very good!
But I don't know like say this to Jenkins!:(


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Re: Jenkins - singleWindow mode

So how do you start the server when running tests on jenkins. Does it always run in background or do you start from with in java? My suggestion is to have it run in background and when staring it in background you can pass "singleWindow" argument.
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Re: Jenkins - singleWindow mode

I have resolved with this easy instruction into startRC.bat:

REM ant -Dport.... -Dhost.... -DhubURL.... -DseleniumArgs=<modeWindow> launch-remote-control
ant .... .... .... -DseleniumArgs="-singleWindow" launch-remote-control

:)) tks Tarun
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Re: Jenkins - singleWindow mode

New problem!

In singleWindow mode doesn't work windowMaximize, how I can resize window remote control?

I'm trying this:
session().getEval("window.resizeTo(1600, 900); window.moveTo(0,0);");
but bad result....