Is there a way to test same application on IE7,IE8,IE9 using a single Machine

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Is there a way to test same application on IE7,IE8,IE9 using a single Machine

Hi All,

I want to test my application in three different version of IE browser. Could some one help me out how to achieve this.
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Re: Is there a way to test same application on IE7,IE8,IE9 using a single Machine

I guess you can set up multiple PM on same machine and have one version of IE in each.  You could execute tests in those machine using Selenium grid.
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Re: Is there a way to test same application on IE7,IE8,IE9 using a single Machine

I have seen that an add-on to firefox, where we can select different browser and its version. If we add that addon and select the user agent it shows same as that in browser. For eg. if i select iphone and open gmail we could view the gmail login page as same as in iphone. If I create a profile for these agents and if I start my script with these profiles, is the same thing that we are testing the application in different browsers? please confirm
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Re: Is there a way to test same application on IE7,IE8,IE9 using a single Machine

I will doubt about it because it is emulation and should be used only when you don't have corresponding device/browser at you disposal. On a different note you can use IE Tester to test application in different version of IE on one machine, but yet this would not be same as testing in IE and independent versions of IE  