Is it possible to read an already opened browser and run tests using WebDriver

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Is it possible to read an already opened browser and run tests using WebDriver

I have a question here, Is it possible to read an already opened browser and run tests using WebDriver? Because every time we initialize a driver, it opens a new browser and runs following tests into it.

But, is it possible to run tests without opening a new browser and reading an already opened browser?

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Re: Is it possible to read an already opened browser and run tests using WebDriver

As far as I know you can not control an already opened browser.
But if opening browser is an issue then you can open before browser just before a test class and not before every test method (if you are doing so)
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Re: Is it possible to read an already opened browser and run tests using WebDriver

Thanks Tarun...

But didn't get your second sentence.... Right now, browser is getting opened only before test class with the help of @BeforeClass annotation. My test class is having lots of test methods in it. Hope I am doing the same way what  you meant in second sentence
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Re: Is it possible to read an already opened browser and run tests using WebDriver

Yes you seem to be doing right. I think I confused you.