I want Jenkins to run the tests on Production server everyday and send reports to specific ppl, how can this be possible ?

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I want Jenkins to run the tests on Production server everyday and send reports to specific ppl, how can this be possible ?

I want that my maven test run everyday without my presence, I mean I dont want to initiate tests everyday.
One way to achieve this is; I install Jenkins on Production server, download the Maven project there, Production server is always on, so configuring a jenkins job on the prod server will automatically run all test cases automatically and send reports to us everyday.
2nd way
to achieve this is; I install Jenkins locally on my machine and save a Jenkins job to run the maven tests remotely on Production server at a particular time. But I guess for this my system should be on all the time, YES? So which one is most optimum way out of these two or there is another better way to achieve this? If second is the optimum way then how to run Jenkins job on remote server/computer? Please guide. @tarun Thanks a ton for Jenkins video.
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Re: I want Jenkins to run the tests on Production server everyday and send reports to specific ppl, how can this be possible ?

Hi Pushpraj,

None of this might be optimum solution because -

1. You may not like to overload production server with jenkins
2. You can not have local machine up and running all the time

I would rather suggest to obtain a dedicated CI machine running jenkins from your IT department.
If you get windows machine for jenkins then you can run tests on IE, FF and Chrome.
If you get Unix machine and want to run test on IE then you may have to use Selenium Grid (Covered in 7th Selenium Training) to invoke tests on different machine. Remember in this case you need two systems. One for running jenkins and other for running tests.

Hope this helps.
~ seleniumtests.com