How to launch RC tests with a custom google profile

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How to launch RC tests with a custom google profile

Hi all,

Wondering if it's possible to deploy a TestNG tests via Eclipse to a custom Chrome profile. I'm on Windows7, but when I try to run this test as a TestNG test I get an error in the console claiming that the platform is UNIX. See attached console gist.

The reason being is that I have created an extension for Chrome to handle the basic auth widget that Chrome loves oh so much, and I need to instantiate this version of Chrome in order to make this fully automated.

Code here:

Console output here:

I've tried using the classes SelenseTestNgHelper, SelenseTestCase and SelenseTestBase to extend my test class, and I've tried various annotations from testng and junit. For the most part, they all yield the same result.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Re: How to launch RC tests with a custom google profile

Look like you are running the test in grid and it expects chrome to be available on unix. Is not it?
My first suggestion is to ask you to try to execute a sample tests on chrome using Selenium RC. If you get through this then use custom chrome profile with your extension.
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Re: How to launch RC tests with a custom google profile

I'm perfectly able to run the test using browserName=*googlechrome, but *custom is giving me a headache no matter where I point it. If I try to designate a platform but placing Win or Windows between *custom and the executable path, I get a null pointer.. blah blah blah :)

That said, I have no idea where UNIX is coming from... lol :) I'm on Win7 64. Very, very strange. Google is returning nothing, and Stack Overflow is strangely quiet on this one.

I know the source for grid 1 is available. If I have to hack this thing open to make it work, I will figure it out one way or another.... This is my last and only obstacle, handling the basic auth for google chrome in Selenium RC.

Do you know of any other ways in RC? Webdriver is just giving me too many problems right now, and I'm kind of on a deadline.

Either way, I'll post my problem with Webdriver in the Webdriver section.

As always, appreciate the help :D
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Re: How to launch RC tests with a custom google profile

I am not sure and just groping in dark. Are you sure there should be 'Chrome' twice in path -

C:\\Program Files\\Java\\SeleniumBrowserProfiles\\Chrome\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe
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Re: How to launch RC tests with a custom google profile

Haha.. yeah, my bad. That was a copy / paste error.

When I import the junit annotations @BeforeClass and @AfterClass, the unit just times out. But when I import the same testng annotations, I get the above error.

It's so, so strange..