How to automated gmail to send email with attach by using Selenium?

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How to automated gmail to send email with attach by using Selenium?

please could someone help me. thanx
hello i cand send email with one attach but i would like to send it
with two or three attach here is  my code:

click//span[text()='Attach a file']
click//span[text()='Attach another file']
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Re: How to automated gmail to send email with attach by using Selenium?

Hello Amir,

Welcome to the group.

I see that you are using Selenium IDE.

My first suggestion is to migrate to Selenium 2 so that you can take full advantages of a real programming language.
Now for Gmail I would not suggest using Gmail UI for such operations. Gmail is filled with frames and Google changes its UI very often. I would rather suggest to use java mail API to exercise Gmail. You might get idea using this post -

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Re: How to automated gmail to send email with attach by using Selenium?

Thanks to all who are contributing !

Seems, Tarun has been taking all the burden to reply to every question.
Though, we are trying to give replies, let us involve more by giving replies to questions - If we know answers.
