How can I free up the memory in Selenium project ?

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How can I free up the memory in Selenium project ?

Hello All,

This is my first post in this forum and before that I would like to thank Tarun and appreciate him and all others for their contribution.
I am new to java programming and following these tutorials to learn selenium

I want to know how to free up the memory in selenium project so as to avoid 'Out of memory errors' in future.

for e.g.  
This is my test where I have instantiated 3 classes.
There would be many instances in entire project. Do I need to use garbage collector for it. If Yes, how?

@Test(priority=2,dataProvider="Delete user account")
        public void deleteUserAccount(String username,String password, String firstname1){
        Registration UOG = new Registration (driver);
        BrowseListOfUsers userlist = new BrowseListOfUsers(driver);
        DeleteUser deleteuser = new DeleteUser(driver);

                UOG_login.userLogin(username, password);

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Re: How can I free up the memory in Selenium project ?

hm you may never have to force garbage collection from your program.
Is you system devoid of resources when running test? Do you always encounter this error or only at times?
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Re: How can I free up the memory in Selenium project ?


Thanks for a quick reply.

I have not encountered such problem as such and neither my system is devoid of resources.
It was asked to me in one of an interview by a person who was a system architect.
He might have asked this from a design and reliability perspective, but I am still looking for a convincing answer.