Help on database connection

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Help on database connection

Hi guys,

i am new to this forum,
i have an issue with databse connection using selenium,in my project we are using interbase for connecting to that database through selenium i got an exception like "java.lang.NullPointerException"

  String urldbname=("jdbc:interbase://localhost:5354/Work/employee.GDB");
                String driver = "interbase.interclient.Driver";
                String userName = "SYSDBA";
                String password = "masterkey";
 Class.forName(driver).newInstance();// create object of Driver
                          conn = DriverManager.getConnection(urldbname,userName,password);

iam trying with the above data but always i am getting the nullpointer exception.

please help/correct me on this...
pls ignore my post if it is wrong place to ask this question....?
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Re: Help on database connection

If you are using MySql try this

 private void Checkdb() {
                                Connection connection = null;
                                Statement statement =null;
                                        System.out.println("connecting to db Driver");
String host= "";
String user="";
String pass="";
String db_name="";
String query="";
                                        connection =
                                        statement =connection.createStatement();
                                        statement.execute("USE "+db_name+";");
                                        ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(query);
                                         int size = result.getRow();
                                        while( {
int columNumber= 1;
                                                System.out.println("selected colum value: "+result.getInt(columNumber));
                                catch (ClassNotFoundException error) {
                                        System.out.println("Cant find host "+error.getMessage());// TODO: handle exception
                                catch (SQLException error)
                                        System.out.println("SQL Eskase "+error.getMessage());
                                        if (connection !=null) try {connection.close();}catch(SQLException ingore){}
                                        if (connection !=null) try {statement.close();}catch(SQLException ingore){}



Make sure you import the following
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

let me know if it worked
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Re: Help on database connection

Hi chester,
thanks for your reply
here i am using IBExpert (interbase)
and the jar file is "interclient.jar"