HTMLUnit Driver is not initiating

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HTMLUnit Driver is not initiating

Hi Guys ,
I am trying to use HTML Unit Driver , but i am not able to initiate the driver unfortunately. I found following error message.

Please let me know what is the solution. I tried with latest webdriver jar and htmlUnit-2.13 jar as well.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient.getOptions()Lcom/gargoylesoftware/htmlunit/WebClientOptions;  
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Re: HTMLUnit Driver is not initiating

This post was updated on .
I had exaclty the same issue.
So I finally found a fix and I posted this fix here (google group) forum/selenium-users.

Here is my final pom configuration to make selenium working with the correct deps (htmlunit 2.15 and httpcore 4.3.2) :

my pom.xml wrote
Hope this helps