Ftp file upload

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Ftp file upload

hi ,

i have a requirement that i need to upload a xml file to a ftp location. is there any solution to be done. further i need  to open the relevant request from a another xml from different ftp folder location . to verify its content ...

i appreciate if any one give a idea to how to do this task , pls help me ..  
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Re: Ftp file upload

I suppose net package in java (if you are using java) might have APIs for what you want to achieve.
~ seleniumtests.com
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Re: Ftp file upload

Great tarun ,

I will look after the java api on FTP , and how does it works..

if you found any let me know ...

Thank you ,
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Re: Ftp file upload

I found this on web - http://www.javabeat.net/tips/36-file-upload-and-download-using-java.html
might help.
~ seleniumtests.com