Error in playing recorded test case via selenium

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Error in playing recorded test case via selenium

I have recorded a test case in selenium IDE where user posts a comment on wall and then deletes it. Now when I am trying to play it, it is failing to find delete button.
1)Login, posting everything runs good but it fails to find delete button?
2)I want , even if it fails to find out delete button, selenium should continue and sign out from user.
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Re: Error in playing recorded test case via selenium

1. Can you manually locate the button when you follow the same steps?

2. You can keep signout part in your tear down method, so sing out would be carried out even if there are errors.

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Re: Error in playing recorded test case via selenium

1)Yes I can locate/observe the delete button manually.
Please check  :
2)Thanks , this idea worked.
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Re: Error in playing recorded test case via selenium

Use this just after instantiating the driver -

        driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(3000, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Also if you post stack trace of error it helps in diagnosing your problem.
When posting a question consider it like a defect report. The more information you provide the more chances are for it to be addressed.
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Re: Error in playing recorded test case via selenium

This didnt help and I have found that It always creates problem when it has to locate some css image/file/link. A guy who sits besides me said that IDE you are using is not compatible to record and play the application on which you are working on, your is made on AJAX , PHP etc and only webdriver can record - play it successfully.
1. Is that right?
2. Webdriver is just a java jar file, how to make it work with selenium IDE?
3. I think webdriver can only work with eclipse?
Please help.