Datadriven multiline

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Datadriven multiline

Just getting interested in STF. Read a bit & ready to check it out. Before that had question regarding there a provision to read multiline data?
What I mean is in a test there maybe a scenario wherein a particular function/method needs to be executed multiple times with different data each iteration...yes, what I'm asking is the provision for iteration with a test.
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Re: Datadriven multiline

of course you can run same test method with different data sets. Just make sure that you provide a different test id. You could see an example here -

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Re: Datadriven multiline

Appreciate your prompt response, Tarun.
The idea here is to run multiple sets of data for a given test.
If the driver does this, then it can be used off the bat, otherwise will have to be tweaked to read multiple lines. Eg:
TC_ID SubIteration     SearchTerm
TC1              1               Cat
TC1              2               Dog

There is a bit more, but wanted to check this out 1st before discussing the next level.

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Re: Datadriven multiline

Is not it same as the example I posted earlier?
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Re: Datadriven multiline

should have mentioned in my earlier response...your link is giving me 404 error.
Based on what you mentioned "Just make sure that you provide a different test id", I assumed that you are reading 1 line per test.
Let me know if it's otherwise.
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Re: Datadriven multiline

Sorry I noticed it now that link is broken. Seem an extra word is appended at the end of URL (;cid=1439363576712-833) -;cid=1439363576712-833

correct URL is -

You may like to checkout following project which is based on STF -

Hope this helps.

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Re: Datadriven multiline

Pulled the sample project...good stuff!
Now, getting to my need...looked the sample csv, under "TestEntity.TestCaseId" you have unique entries. My need is little different:
TC_ID SubIteration     SearchTerm
TC1             1               Cat
TC1             2               Dog
TC2               1               Car
TC3               1               John
TC3               2               Doe
TC3               3               Mary

You see how there can be 1 or more iterations within 1 test.
Once you answer this, there is a further question.
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Re: Datadriven multiline

Not right now, you need to provide different test case ids to be able to run test with different data sets.

Though implementation should not be difficult. TestEntity object needs to have one more instance variable called SubIteration. Feel free to fork the project and submit pull requests.

So what's your other question ?
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Re: Datadriven multiline

Right now, do not have the window to work on it, need to get something going pretty soon, so was looking for something off the bat.
The other piece is further into this...basically sub-iteration was meant for feeding data into a method more than once. This next part is about a complete iteration for the test, wherein all the methods are executed for another set of data.
So, we may have something like this:
Test_Id     Iter     Sub_Iter
TC1           1        1
TC2           1        1
TC2           1        2
TC3           1        1
TC3           1        2
TC3           2        1

Nice exchanging views with you, hopefully you'll have time to build on this. Ideally, we get something like this into core Selenium itself, would be great, but STF is also good enough as it's a dependency in POM.
Appreciate your effort.
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Re: Datadriven multiline

You should be able to do this by using unique testcase_id

In my personal experience, relating manual test case with one on one automation cases may not be feasible/practical. Hence I would suggest to run your test with different data set while setting a different test case id.

You can also use default TestNG data provider to feed same method with different datasets and ignore the approach we discussed above -
