DataProvider from multiple classes

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DataProvider from multiple classes

What is efficient way to have DataProvider classes and how to access them in test class? One each for different data set?
1. Customer Search Data
2. Item Purchase Data
3. Credit Card Data

Should this be three different classes ? How to access these three classes under testNG test class?
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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

I am not quite sure what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to access test data from three data providers in one test method? I think that would be not be possible.
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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

How to use multiple dataprovider for single class ?
Should all data be in dataset ? In my case
Search user (If present continue with sales(dataset1) else continue with (create and sale: dataset2) )
How should I get these two different set of dataset in single webdriver class.
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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

Your data provider could return multiple objects and you test method could use them

public Object[][] dataProvider() {

// Construct your data objects
return new Object[][]{{dataset1, dataset2}};

@Test(dataProvider="testData") {
public void testMethod(DataSet dataset1, DataSet dataset2) {

// Use data set here, how ever you want.

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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

So does it mean we can have only one class
in dataprovider package ?
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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

Not quite sure what you are trying to ask, You could have as many classes in a package as you want
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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

yes... like what we have in object package.
However in particular with dataprovider, as we can have only one class as dataprovider (e.g used in WebDriverTest).
Can we use one class is parent class as dataprovider and child classes to construct their own data sets?

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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

Shekar, I guess I am missing some thing. You could have multiple classes in a package and these classes can have multiple data provider methods.
If you draw some psudo code it might be able to help.
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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

public class WebDriverTest extends SelTestCase {

        @Test(dataProvider = "cuData", dataProviderClass = CustomerSearchData.class)
        public void testCustomer(CustomerSearchData cuData, CustomerSearchData cuEnterData) {

                        <<using cudata and CuEnterData to drive test>>


However in this cuData and cuEnterData both belongs to class CustomerSearchData.

what I am trying: both cuData and cuEnterData will be from two different classes.
Like cuData from CustomerSearchData.class and cuEnterData from NewCustomerData.class
However as I have only one dataProviderClass = CustomerSearchData.class, not sure how I can separate  these two data set in two different classes.

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Re: DataProvider from multiple classes

I don't think that's possible Shekhar, But you can always return different objects from data providers as I illustrated in my previous data set example.