Core Java for Selenium

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Core Java for Selenium

I understand when u say Core Java, we hav to know about Class, Methods, Inheritance, Interface......
When working with different scenarios using Selenium, how to know whether to use: Inheritance or Interface or make a Method Public/Private....?
U use Selenium to automate Functional TCs?
Plz update.
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Re: Core Java for Selenium

Depends what use case you are working on. Can you give a use case?
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Re: Core Java for Selenium

An Example Usecase:
1. Login (username & pwd)
2. Enter "Apple" in Search box
3. We see many Apples displayed in the page.
4. Select any of the Apple ----> Details are displayed
5. Click AddtoCart button
6. SignOut

The other question is: if the above steps are done on Firefox & IE, what settings changes in Selenium/Webdiver?
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Re: Core Java for Selenium

Let us begin with how you have thought of writing tests for the use case.
I did not quite get other question of yours -

<The other question is: if the above steps are done on Firefox & IE, what settings changes in Selenium/Webdiver?>