Career in Automation Testing

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Career in Automation Testing

I need some info and guidance from you. Please help me out if possible. Let me brief myself. I am working in MNC for the past 2+ years.. I was involved in product development which uses internal tools and technologies to which I did not get any exposure to latest technologies in the market. This seems to have a habit of MNC's to use internal built tech. So now I have a strong thought to move to automation testing, my previous role was developer. I have enquired about some tools like Selenium, QTP which are in demand. But their training cost is too much. Should I go for these tools ? (20k for QTP+Selenium and 15k for only Selenium). Is it worth it? In future, I will defntly switch and looking for better opportunity.
Its bit long descriptive parah, thank you for your time. Please guide me asap.
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Re: Career in Automation Testing

Hi Rohit,

I am little confused with your circumstances. If you are a developer then why would you want to jump to testing? development was, is and probably would remain lucrative.
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Re: Career in Automation Testing

Hello Tarun,

Actly I was using only internal frameworkand API's of Inbuilt tech to develop buisness module. I do not have any exprnce in hard core development nor any other external/open source techlgy. What I believe is even testing is having better opportunities as compared to developer. While searching for different career prospects, I came across automation testing and I find it better for me. You can throw some more light on this. I just do not want to restrict myself with development. More over testing tools are in demand. Please guide me in this field and show me the career path in testing.  And whether I should opt for that course or not.

Thank you.
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Re: Career in Automation Testing

let me put it this way, there is no testing without development. In fact I have heard of shops which just don't hire test engineers. For example facebook does not hire only test engineers. My objective is not to dishearten to you. If you speak of things in demand then it is ios and android development which I suppose is much more in demand than any thing else. Given your back ground, I yet feel you may make it better in development field, but it is ultimately your choice. In any case, you need not go for paid training, at least as costly as 20k. I hope my Selenium Training videos would help you and I am sure there would be lots of free tutorials on QTP as well. Hope this helps.